Monday, July 21, 2008

Blowing Bubbles & Chalk

Lately Sammy has enjoyed blowing bubbles outside and writing with chalk on the sidewalk. I figure if we go out early in the morning outside before it gets roasting hot, everyone has fun. I loved these pics of Sam blowing bubbles, she was actually getting the hang of it. Before she just ended up eating the bubbles.

On the next note, the next day after my ultrasound, I had my check up at the doctor's and found out that I pretty much had to go on bedrest. I guess I am at risk for toxemia due to too much protein, and so I have to rest a lot. I wanted to ask them how I was supposed to rest with a busy 2 year old but I don't think they could've answered that. So the last couple days have been pretty boring as I am supposed to be "resting." Hopefully my next dr. visit they will tell me
I am fine, but who knows. So any ideas of what to do when you are down for awhile? I am running out of ideas and movies for Sammy to watch and am wondering how we are going to survive the next few weeks of summer. I am sure we will get through but boy will it be long!!!


Lera said...

Are you supposed to be on beadrest for the rest of the pregnancy? Ugh! That's awful. I'm so sorry! I would go crazy too.

mj said...

jenn thats lame...good thing grandmas are close! i will call you later.

A small glimpse at our world said...

Hey Jenn, Aunt Cindy here, I found your blog with Danielle's help. Sorry to hear of your house woe's. Home ownership can really dig into your money...but at least you are safe and it's summer to help dry things out.

I'll keep in touch with you more now that I know where to look!

Love you and happy belated b-day!

Erika said...

How are things going with the bed rest? I guess you'll get some reading done (well, maybe not that much with a two-year old)!