Sunday, July 17, 2011

Almost 2 weeks old!

Well we are finally glad to be home and back to our new real life! Baby Ethan has been a good baby so far. He does love to be held and cuddled. When you cuddle him, he tucks his little feet up like a little frog-so cute. He hates having his diaper and clothes changed and usually cries for that. He loves his baby swing and is learning to like his binky! He has been sleeping really well at night. I usually nurse him at 10:30 or 11:00 pm and then he only wakes up once during the night to eat again. I hope he stays this way!!! His sisters love to hug and kiss him and are getting better at accepting that he is here to stay!!


Tiffany said...

Ahhh, cute! I hope he sleeps for you like that too! Well, until he starts sleeping through the night! Carly was a little younger than 2 months when she started sleeping 9 hour so lets hope Ethan is totally like that.

UK RIOTS said...