Tuesday, April 7, 2009

what a little helper

Sammy is in the kitchen! She loves to help me cook and be right by my side. Sometimes it's almost more than I can handle!


mj said...

more than you can handle? hmm wonder why that could be?

wow! that shirt still fits her?! i am still amazed at how fast kids grow their first year, and how much they slow down after that!

Jenn said...

yeah, that shirt fits her better than ever and is so cute! i wonder who could've made something like that?

Rissy & Spence said...

How sweet that u have aliitle helper in the kitchen. I can't wait to share the that with my future daughter or son. Love ur blog.. Talk to u later

Jana said...

your girls are both so pretty.

can't wait to see you on sunday!

Jase, Tate & Gav said...

I know right? Gavin and his buddy helped me make cookies on Saturday night. Yikes sugar and chocolate everywhere!

Tiffany said...

I used to be the same way... I LOVED helping my mom in the kitchen. She is such a pretty girl.

mj said...

easter pictures please.