Thursday, February 10, 2011

sickos? no surprise there

which is why I haven't posted for awhile....but I have spent a little time making these!!!

cute Valentine board (my sister's creations)
used a 12x12 board that we had cut courtesy of Lowes and then covered in vinyl, and wood pieces
apron skirt I made with Emmy
which we stole from here
and can you see my belly starting to emerge?

other than that us sickos are just trying to not be sickos anymore. lots of diego watching and orange juice sipping...


Jana said...

Cute apron, cute belly, but my favorite of all is the Valentine's Board! How darling!

Sorry you're all sick again. Let's get together when you're well?

Lera said...

Super cute! Love it all. Sorry you have been sickos. I definitely can relate *cough, cough*.

mj said...

your little belly is so cute! it better be a boy belly so I will say...your little belly is so cool! and why are you guys so sick?! i am so sorry for you. i hope you got the casserole i left on your back porch. i didn't knock, didn't want to wake you up :o) oh and if you have time how about a little tutorial on your valentines day board...i must have one!