Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday best

and this is the best we got! Why can't kids just cooperate a little more when you want a good picture? And yes, Sammy picked out a dress today that was long-sleeved. It was not a battle worth fighting for!

This face reminds me of the other day when Sammy passed some gas. Jake said "Sammy, what do you say?" and she said in a funny voice "excuse my butt!" We tried really hard not to laugh and it took all we had to look serious as we explained that's not what you say. I don't know where she got that from but she is always saying something ridiculously funny.

Maddie is really such a little bookworm! She always has books and is carrying them around talking jibberish and Sammy says "Mom, she is just learning how to read like me!"

Silly girl! I just love her. She is my happy patch. I heard that phrase recently and it fits Maddie to a tee. She is always making us laugh by her silly little personality. I just want her to stay little forever!


mj said...

sammy cracks me up...such sass! maddie looks a lot like sam did at that age...they are just too sweet! i cannot wait to hang with you guys in a few weeks!