Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's that time again

for a bath!

Maddie a little unsure here of what Sammy is going to do!
Sammy loving being the boss!
Maddie loving the starfish!

I must say that I love bath time and having both girls in the tub. This morning before church we did bubbles, and Sammy was rubbing bubbles all over Maddie saying "I am bubbling you Mad. DO you like that?" to which Maddie replied "Uh......" which really she did. So I am not sure she really enjoyed that part but she does love the attention from her big sis. Having two little girls is fun minus the drama!


The Hendricks Family said...

I love the pics! Maddie is the best little sister ever! i hope Riley puts up with his older brother as well as Maddie does with her big sister and cousin.

Andrea and Preston said...

Such cute bath pictures of your girls! There are some of you and Jake on our blog from bowling, now that I finally got around to posting something since we moved! Maybe we will see ya guys when we come in december! =)