7:00 Am KiDs WaKeuP
7:15 aM reAdy fOr breAkfast
Maddie: eats usually two bowls of oatmeal, a whole yogurt, some fruit (banana, grapes, peaches or pears) sippy of milk of juice, and some cereal
Sammy: bowl of cereal and boiled egg/scrambled, drink
9:15 Am reaDy foR snAcK
11:15 am reAdY for moRe SnaCk (I hold them off till 11:45 for LunCh)
1:00 pM MaddIe naPs
2:00 Pm saMmY nEedS snacK
3:30 MadDie waKes Up, ReaDy foR moRe SnAck & DrInk, SaMMy eAts wiTh heR
4:00- everYonE wAnts PopsiCles inCludIng neIghboR frieNds
4:30-5:00 p.M. I staRt maKing diNner
5:15 Pm- KiDs ravEnous, gIve sMall SnAck if dinNer sTill neEds 30 miN to Cook
5:30-5:45- Eat dinNer
7:00 KiDs eAt smaLL snAck or TreAt beFore Bed
7:30 Heaven- My HunGry eveR munChing kiDs go To Bed! Yah!
Now you know what it's like to be a mom of boys! ;)
Actually, that really is a ton of food. I think your girls might possibly be outeating my boys right now.
the worst part of that is the CONSTANT clean-up of the kitchen! yikes!
that is crazy.
Those headbands are so cute! You know, my kids can't stop eating lately either. I'm really hoping that they're about to have a growth spurt, because it's ridiculous!
that's true. cleaning up is not fun either. I feel like I am in the kitchen practically the whole day!
Wow! That's more than Lilly eats in 4 days!! :) Definitely a growth spurt.
wow! carter eats all of his meals before 11 am. then he eats like a bird till the next morning.
Wow! I'm just imagining what it'll be like when my boys get older and are eating EVERYTHING in the house! That's a lot of food you're going through!!
It's so true! Makayla would eat every hour if I'd let her. How did you make the headbands and bows?
This seriously sounds like my life! LOL! My kids are the same way! They would eat all day long if I gave them free reign of the pantry! Ps. those headbands are darling!
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