Sunday, August 29, 2010

Look at me go

So I have been on a sewing craze lately. Sammy has desperately needed some new dresses since she has grown out of everything lately. Yes, she definitely hit a growth spurt and grew two inches in the last few weeks! Anyhow, check out this creation! I did copy a pattern but man, I wish I could make it in my size!

P.s. doesn't she look old?

Happy 6th Anniversary!

Well here is to six great years of being married! My parents were gracious enough to take our kids for two nights so we could enjoy ourselves this weekend. We went to the temple, out to eat, played tennis, watched Knight and Day which I loved, shopping, and to Seven Peaks. It was fun to have a little break and my hubby all to myself (which doesnt happen much)! Here is to another great year!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Partner in crime

Today while I was cooking dinner, Maddie and Ryder wanted to wear princess shoes (don't tell his mom or dad please!)
This is Maddie's attempt to smile for the camera
Them eating snacks and watching Elmo a few days ago (they could make a cute couple when they are older just saying)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Such sweet things....

(and yes they are sporting the new headbands I made last night!)
but they are eating so much it's driving me crazy! "Mom, I am hungry" is a line I hear ALL day long!! I used to think maybe they weren't eating enough at each meal, but trust me they are! I am thinking serious growth spurts here. Let me give you the current rundown of each day:

7:00 Am KiDs WaKeuP
7:15 aM reAdy fOr breAkfast
Maddie: eats usually two bowls of oatmeal, a whole yogurt, some fruit (banana, grapes, peaches or pears) sippy of milk of juice, and some cereal
Sammy: bowl of cereal and boiled egg/scrambled, drink
9:15 Am reaDy foR snAcK
11:15 am reAdY for moRe SnaCk (I hold them off till 11:45 for LunCh)
1:00 pM MaddIe naPs
2:00 Pm saMmY nEedS snacK
3:30 MadDie waKes Up, ReaDy foR moRe SnAck & DrInk, SaMMy eAts wiTh heR
4:00- everYonE wAnts PopsiCles inCludIng neIghboR frieNds
4:30-5:00 p.M. I staRt maKing diNner
5:15 Pm- KiDs ravEnous, gIve sMall SnAck if dinNer sTill neEds 30 miN to Cook
5:30-5:45- Eat dinNer
7:00 KiDs eAt smaLL snAck or TreAt beFore Bed
7:30 Heaven- My HunGry eveR munChing kiDs go To Bed! Yah!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday best

and this is the best we got! Why can't kids just cooperate a little more when you want a good picture? And yes, Sammy picked out a dress today that was long-sleeved. It was not a battle worth fighting for!

This face reminds me of the other day when Sammy passed some gas. Jake said "Sammy, what do you say?" and she said in a funny voice "excuse my butt!" We tried really hard not to laugh and it took all we had to look serious as we explained that's not what you say. I don't know where she got that from but she is always saying something ridiculously funny.

Maddie is really such a little bookworm! She always has books and is carrying them around talking jibberish and Sammy says "Mom, she is just learning how to read like me!"

Silly girl! I just love her. She is my happy patch. I heard that phrase recently and it fits Maddie to a tee. She is always making us laugh by her silly little personality. I just want her to stay little forever!

Old bikes become new!

We found this little beauty at DI for $5. Totally worth it, has kept Sammy busy for many many hours this last week.

Maddie then got the hand me down bike which she loves! I didn't realize she would like riding it so much. She loves to say "bike" and cries when she has to come inside!

And yes, they are riding in the garage. Neither Sammy or Maddie have quite mastered the brakes and our driveway is downhill-not a good combo. So they have been riding in the garage this week (it is a little cooler that way).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

$2 Animal Farm deal

Sammy loves riding the ponies. She was so excited!

Riley is nine months old and I think even he liked seeing the animals today!

Riley and momma

Isn't this a great spot for them?

Sammy was feeling brave petting the cow!

Maddie loves animals. She was so excited to see the horses but once I put her on one, she didn't really like it. I couldn't get her to hold on so good thing I was holding onto her!

Tay picked the biggest horse to ride!
All in all, it was a fun day. Glad we went early to beat the mad rush and the heat! The funny part was Sammy telling me which bunnies were girls because they had eyelashes. The boys don't apparently!

So cute

I love this girl! She loves to watch shows with her sister before bedtime, even though most of the time she is sucking her thumb and throwing her body all over the couch! What a cutie!