Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beach Party!

So now I actually have something to post, as the sun shined down on us yesterday and we had a little pool party (the beach part was the sandbox so sand was involved folks!) The kids had a blast. Sammy's cousins, Parker & Macie joined in the fun while Maddie was napping mostly. Sammy's little friend Aze and her brother Ryder was also there in attendance. It was a fun day full of sunshine, jumping, popsicles, and sandy bodies-what more could a kid ask for?


Amy and Kris said...

Looks like SOOOO much fun! YOu are such a nice mom! I told my kids it wasn't swimming weather yet!

mj said...

is that tramp yours? totally jealous! i want a back yard so we can have a tramp too!

annnddd.....was it really warm enough there for water?! we have just had rain rain rain! too chilly for water here!

Jenn said...

yeah we got a tramp a few weeks and the girls love it! and yeah it was nice earlier for water almost 80 degrees. Now its cold and rainy too-so sad!